Meet Dan Gorvett, Traditional Chinese Acupuncture .
Having dealt with illness at an early age Daniel found refuge in the wonderful world of Tai Chi and Chinese medicine (TCM). The balance it brought inspired Daniel to go on and study the system to pass the knowlledge on. Daniel completed a BSc (Hons) in Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture at Westminster. He also studied in China where Acupuncture, Tuina, meditation and Qigong was taken up.
Having later qualified in Herbal Medicine at the Institute of Chinese Medicine London, Daniel enjoys using plants/ herbs to facilitate treatment. Alongside his clinical work the practitioner has been involved in Tai Chi and Qigong for years and is interested in how these arts can be applied to healing.
Before, working in Somerset Council where Daniel took a PGCE and was running accredited Tai Chi instructor courses. A good grounding in Tai Chi developed and he can often be found taking online classes and workshops around the south west.
Being local to the area the practitioner has always had a passion for nature of the South West. He often enjoys dog walks and climbing on our beautiful coastline.
"I am interest is in our connection to nature and how we can use understanding of it to bring about healing. Particularly for systematic chronic imbalance and those less fortunate. For me using factors such as herbs to harmonize, bringing steadiness through breath and meditation, flexibility through Tai Chi or the strengthening action of acupuncture is a great way to connect the healing process back to something more natural and whole. Client empowerment is impotant and I love the layers and depth that TCM can offer to help restore harmony to the body and mind".
To book Dan: please contact him directly on
07816 250 097
Availability: Wed